xTrack WMS and xTrack TMS as cloud-based applications

Axes Software marks a milestone in its team’s work: full integration of xTrack WMS and xTrack TMS applications on cloud platforms.
Always up to date with the latest technical developments, the Axes Software programmers have succeeded in completing this significant milestone in the project “Innovative platform for artificial intelligence management of work processes in factories and warehouses“, for which Axes Software received funding from the European Social Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020.
The new technology has important benefits for the xTrack WMS and xTrack TMS users, as they can now take advantage of the benefits of using them as apps moved to or directly deployed in cloud.
Axes Software uses the Azure cloud service, which was created in 2008 and has been developed by Microsoft ever since. Azure offers flexibility in the choice of software solutions. It can also be used with any operating system and a wide variety of programming languages or database systems.
At present, WMS and TMS servers run on cloud platforms as well and can therefore communicate with client Back Office (workstations) or, in the case of xTrack WMS, Front Office (smart terminals) applications. At the same time, the servers can communicate both with equipment located in the warehouse (printers, scales, automated conveyors, PLC systems, etc.) and with other IT systems involved in the supply chain (ERP, websites, courier platforms).
Benefits of migrating to the cloud
Cloud-based systems have a number of advantages for Axes Software customers. They can realize significant savings because they no longer need to manage their own servers to run and store information entered into the related databases of the xTrack WMS and xTrack TMS applications.
Reduced costs
Moving away from local physical servers results in a significant reduction in the costs related their use. The cost of electricity required by the equipment and the cost of maintaining an optimal ambient temperature so that the equipment may be safely operated are eliminated. There are also no costs for the associated equipment ensuring resilience: UPS unit, external back-up storage space. You no longer have to pay for the operating system and database licenses or the salaries of a team providing maintenance, support, security, backup or security services.
As cloud-based apps, the xTrack software solutions retain all the functionalities they have now, but gain extra scalability, stability and operational security. Depending on the needs of the client companies, hardware resources can be very quickly and easily resized. New functionalities can be added to the applications; the volume of digitalized processes or the number of users can increase exponentially without affecting data processing speed in any way as it would happen with physical servers having limited storage space.
The cloud environment offers stability of operations because the hosted application works without interruption (no server “crashing”), the risk of information loss is almost zero and the security of data and operations increases.
Unrestricted access
Users have access to xTrack applications and data stored in the cloud from any device (laptop, computer, tablet, mobile phone, handheld terminal), without time or geographical restrictions. The only condition they need to meet in order to use cloud services is to have an internet connection.
Do you want to enjoy the benefits of xTrack WMS or xTrack TMS? Fill in the form below and our consultants will get back to you within 48 hours.