xTrack WMS as SaaS application

The development of the xTrack WMS solution as a SaaS (Software as a Service) application through the project “Innovative platform for artificial intelligence management of work processes in factories and warehouses” (project code 129490) comes with a number of benefits, such as ease of use, scalability, stability and safety in operation, cost reduction, etc.
The benefits of Software as a Service (SaaS) are further detailed in this article and information about the software application can be found here xTrack WMS – the warehouse logistics management solution.
What is SaaS?
By definition, SaaS is a software distribution model (usually web-based), whereby the licensing and delivery of software solutions is greatly simplified. The applications as well as customer data (user data) are stored on a secure, cloud-hosted platform managed by the software solution provider, whereas individual databases are independently accessed by users.
SaaS-delivered solutions are increasingly popular because users no longer need to worry about managing their own resources (e.g. servers) or updating applications. Providers are the ones who ensure that the applications they make available to customers are up-to-date and operate at peak performance.
SaaS applications generally allow less complex operations to be digitized, as they are standard versions with basic functionalities and limited possibilities for customization at first. However, Axes Software offers, at the customer’s request, the possibility of customizing their software solution in more detail.
An application made available through the SaaS system can be accessed directly by users, from any place and at any time, via web browsers, free of charge if it has a free version, or against regular payments in the case of full option versions. Common examples of “SaaS” applications are Google Apps, MailChimp, Dropbox, Salesforce, GoToMeeting, BitDefender, which many of us already use.
xTrack WMS features as SaaS application
The main features of xTrack WMS as a SaaS application are: fast access, user-friendly interface, maximum cost efficiency.
In order to execute its functions properly, the SaaS version of xTrack WMS requires several steps to be completed by the system administrator who needs to:
- create an account on Axes Software’s SaaS platform by entering the required data: name, email address, password,
- access the application through a web browser, using the access data received after the SaaS account registration is confirmed and the xTrack WMS server has been created in the cloud,
- set locations, warehouse activities and other users, select label templates, etc.,
- connect the app to various equipment as well as configure mobile computers or several types of printers ( for self-adhesive labels or for printing delivery documents).
The xTrack WMS application delivered as SaaS is a standard version, with basic functionalities that allow strict warehouse management. Access to the application is free of charge for a limited period so as to give potential customers the opportunity to test it. After the end of the grace period, the customer can choose to continue using the software solution for a fee.
Benefits of xTrack WMS as a SaaS application
We detail below some of the benefits that xTrack WMS as a SaaS application offers:
Effortless installation
The xTrack WMS warehouse management solution can be easily accessed via a web browser. After creating an account and getting the confirmation of registration, the user receives login details along with installation and configuration instructions. The whole process is very simple, with clear step-by-step instructions. If necessary, the customer may be given additional advice on installation and configuration issues (tutorials and training manuals) as well.
In this way, during installation, each administrator customizes the xTrack WMS by selecting the functionalities they need and entering the parameters specific to the company’s activity. Here, clear instructions on, for example, adding warehouse locations or picking activities, play an important role in reducing the effort required to tailor the application to the specific requirements of each company.
A special feature of using xTrack WMS in the SaaS system is the invoicing method: the services provided to the customer are paid for monthly, online, by bank card, and the administrator can check the invoice history at any time. Both the previously issued invoices and the transactions from the current month can be displayed, making it easier for users to track and manage costs.
Furthermore, the customer can also estimate the monthly cost of using the application with the help of an in-app simulator. The cost is calculated based on transaction volumes, i.e. the number of lines in outbound orders that the user processes with the help of the xTrack WMS software solution. By entering an average number of outbound order lines, the user can then estimate his monthly cost.
The application has an API module that enables it to link up with other external systems, such as a company’s ERP or its website.
Thus, data related to incoming and outgoing orders, items and partners, transfers and other operations can be imported into the xTrack WMS application. You can also query order status, stock situation or various reports.
Learn more about the standard xTrack WMS SaaS version and how it can help you manage your company’s day-to-day activities. Regardless of whether you prefer the desktop version of this application, with a cloud-based database or an on-premise one, or the web-based version, you can find out more about how it can be customized to meet your requirements. In either case, contact our consultants by filling in the form below!