
xTrack WMS deployment in two Mobexpert warehouses

Axes Software » xTrack WMS deployment in two Mobexpert warehouses

Online shopping and xTrack WMS

The online shopping developed slowly in Romania before the pandemic. Public fear and the restrictions imposed by the spread of the Sars-Cov-2 virus suddenly and rapidly accelerated the shift in customer attitude towards online shopping. Many people gave up going to brick-and-mortar stores and turned to online shops that were, figuratively speaking, a few clicks away.

Companies that have been quick to understand the change in shopper behaviour have adapted and automated their logistics operations to cope with the large number of orders received online. Mobexpert is one such company where we have implemented a customized version of our Track WMS. In this article you will see the benefits the company gained at every stage of its workflows.

The shift to online shopping

For now, let’s go back to the behavioural shift we’ve all noticed in the end user, the shopper. Generally known as tools for communication and information gathering, since March the desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones have turned into gateways to special digital platforms for product sales which now compete seriously with brick-and-mortar stores.

Why? Because online shopping saves people from getting a virus and makes their lives easier. They sit comfortably in front of their devices and, with minimal effort, place an order. Within days – sometimes even the very next day! – they get the goods delivered to their door. It’s so easy!

But what’s it like for you on the other end, receiving their orders? You have a lot of work to do to make the people who clicked on your products happy so that they will order from you again. That’s how you keep your business alive, that’s how you thrive.

Automation of warehouse operations

Well, the story of a series of operations always starts in a warehouse. The volume of warehouse activities has been increasing since the coronavirus outbreak. The number of daily orders has increased so much that the need to manage and optimize warehouse operations has become urgent.

Every online business wants to sell as much as possible, at the lowest possible costs, avoid returns and keep track of the goods so as not to “lose” them along the way. Translated into the language of logistics, that means benefitting from traceability and reducing errors of any kind that may lead to the return of delivered products.

The software solution generally used to efficiently order activities in a warehouse attached to an online or brick-and-mortar business is the WMS (Warehouse Management System). Naturally, there are differences between the two warehouse types, mainly due to the specifics of each business. “Online” means delivering a large number of orders for small quantities and limited number of articles, with peak periods determined either by the season or by promotions. The “traditional” warehouse involves the delivery of fewer orders, but higher quantities per order.

The xTrack WMS solution

A WMS solution is a very useful (if not necessary) tool for both types of warehouses. Especially if we are talking about the e-commerce warehouse, as the daily delivery of a large number of orders results in an increased logistics effort. And not only physically, but also in terms of optimal management of activities and stocks. A system coordinated by one person is obviously completely outdated from the start. And that’s where automation comes in.

It is no wonder that the development of the online sales segment and, by extension, the increased activity in their own warehouses made Mobexpert’s managers opt for automation so as to ensure the optimal operation of their e-commerce business. For this reason, the “online” and “offline” delivery circuits were separated.

The e-commerce warehouse is now managed by our xTrack WMS application with tangible results:

xTrack WMS integration

The first challenge of the software deployment in two of Mobexpert’s warehouses (one of them being the central warehouse, with a total area of approx. 40,000 sqm) was related to the integration of the xTrack WMS application into a complex IT system already used in the company.

xTrack WMS has been interfaced with ERP applications and courier systems for optimal management of workflows whereby products ordered online are collected from the shelf, grouped by order, packed and handed over to couriers for delivery to end customers.

Automated workflow in Mobexpert warehouses

When tailoring the xTrack WMS solution to Mobexpert’s needs, we considered three main aspects:


Replenishing stocks of items in the decoration or furniture category involves integrating xTrack WMS with the other applications used by Mobexpert.

xTrack WMS retrieves information about orders placed online from the ERP interfaced with the Mobexepert website and automatically checks whether there are sufficient stocks in the replenishment locations. If not, xTrack WMS automatically generates replenishment tasks – instructions that warehouse workers receive on their mobile computers.


The picking algorithms in the xTrack WMS application require compliance with rules set by Mobexpert, that focus on quantity (number of pieces) and volume (max. 1 cubic metre), so that all the items in orders activated for picking are collected.

Checking and splitting

At the checking and splitting stage, it is very important to know if there are any changes to the customer orders. The delivery of items not requested by the customer is thus prevented. The relevant information about cancelled orders reaches warehouse workers in real time thanks to the interfacing of xTrack WMS with ERP.

AWB label printing

After the items have been packed according to the customer orders, the blind label that is automatically generated by xTrack WMS is scanned, the portable printer is selected and the AWB label (for couriers) is printed.

When the AWB label is printed, xTrack WMS sends an automatic message to the ERP to subtract the items being delivered from stocks.


Consolidation refers to the grouping, according to various criteria, of parcels/packed items. In Mobexepert’s case, grouping is done according to the mode of transport (by courier, for a brick-and-mortar store).

Customer orders are automatically added to a transport order in xTrack WMS, taking into account the transport mode selected in each order.


xTrack WMS sends to the mobile computers used by warehouse workers the necessary information on which pallets or parcels are to be loaded on the activated transport.

Benefits of xTrack WMS

When customizing the application algorithms for Mobexpert, we took into account a few main constraints that yielded, among other things, some important benefits for the company.

Increased profit by accelerating the delivery rate

Verification cannot start if picking of items from activated orders is not completed in all areas (decorations and furniture).

This ensures the accuracy of verification and, implicitly, that of splitting and packing. In this way the company saves time and effort and processes more orders in the same working time.

Reduction of total costs associated with product returns

The instant communication of cancelled orders massively reduces the number of returns, and therefore the total related costs.

Reduced delivery costs

AWB labels can only be printed after verification and splitting have been completed for all areas (furniture, decorations). This prevents the delivery of an order (or orders) for the same customer in  different shipments. This avoids the costs of additional trips.

Zebra Technologies equipment

The xTrack WMS application takes full advantage of the outstanding performance of Zebra mobile terminals and printers.


Finally, if we were to make a brief review of the benefits yielded as a result of the xTrack WMS deployment in some of the Mobexpert warehouses, we could say that:

Would you like to enjoy the benefits of xTrack WMS? Fill in any form on the Axes Software website and our consultants will get back to you within 48 hours.

24 February 2021

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Alexandru Vîrban
Sales Manager
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