How has Axes Software helped Centrul de Diagnostic si Tratament Provita?
Centrul de Diagnostic si Tratament Provita (The Provita Diagnostic and Treatment Centre), part of the Provita Group, offers various medical services: consultations, surgical procedures, medical imaging, lab tests, rehabilitation and physiokinetic therapy, etc. It also has state-of-the-art equipment that enables medical staff to provide patients with high-quality healthcare services.
The development and diversification of the Provita Centre’s services has led to the need to optimise the logistical operations carried out internally in order to provide the necessary support for the activities of the medical team. To this end, the medical centre managers opted for xTrack WMS.
xTrack WMS is designed to efficiently manage all inbound and outbound flows of medical materials and accessories, all transfers of medicines and instruments to the Provita clinic and hospital’s surgeries and operating theatres, ensuring traceability and recording consumption.