How has Axes Software helped Medimfarm?
Axes Software » How has Axes Software helped Medimfarm?

How has Axes Software helped Medimfarm?

Solutions: WMS Countries: RO Field of activity: Distribution Pharma E-commerce

Medimfarm is a company with 100% private capital, founded in 1991, having as main activity the distribution at national level through specific networks and the wholesale and retail sale of pharmaceutical, parapharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

Medimfarm online offers a variety of brands (over-the-counter products, food supplements, medical devices, parapharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.).

The company has a central warehouse with an area of ​​4,259 sqm located in Ploiești (it coordinates the logistical support necessary to carry out the activity in optimal conditions), a number of 18 commercial spaces, as well as its own fleet of distribution machines.

In order to efficiently monitor the operations in the central warehouse and to process with efficiency the received orders, Medimfarm uses the solution developed, customized and implemented by Axes Software, xTrack WMS.

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Antim Mogos
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