How has Axes Software helped Pharmnet Plus?
Pharmnet Plus is an import / export and wholesale distribution company for pharmaceuticals. Following the recommendations of Good Distribution Practices for medicinal products for human use, Pharmnet Plus uses the available means to minimize the risk of falsified medicines entering the legal supply chain, thus playing an important role in the increasingly complex product distribution network. pharmaceuticals.
The company has adequate space (within its own warehouse), facilities and equipment to ensure proper storage and distribution of medicines, in compliance with the rules in force regarding cleanliness, humidity, temperature and safety.
Pharmnet Plus’s fleet of transport vehicles picks up, transports and delivers medicines throughout Romania, being equipped to maintain and monitor the humidity and temperature of medicines according to the manufacturers’ recommendations (including transport at 2-8 ° C).
To ensure the efficiency of the operations carried out in its own warehouse and to have a clear image of the deliveries, Pharmnet Plus uses xTrack WMS and xTrack POD.